105 tons CO2 negative
My investment portfolio is 105 tons CO2 negative annually.
This is just an estimate based on some precise details but on the other hand rough first estimates of carbon emissions and carbon sequestration of the portfolio instruments or activities related to instruments. So do not trust the figure as a fact but take it as an estimate.
Since 2015 I have struggled to find an investment strategy that has the edge. Besides optimizing that eternal risk/return set-up, I started estimating CO2 emissions/sequestration ratio of the portfolio. It is far from perfect but the calculation practice is compelling. Surprisingly, I am even prepared to take a slight return hit once I know my portfolio fights climate combat for me.
When family emissions are added to the analysis, we are still clearly net CO2 negative annually. In fact that family CO2 emission minimization puzzle led me to start with CO2 combat portfolio analysis. When the car was changed from diesel to biogas engine the impact was 4,3 tonnes per year… which is next to nothing compared to what I can do with the portfolio.
Call it what you will but it is so cool to calculate those CO2 combat figures.