Acid rain, ozone layer and next CO2

Human kind can resolve CO2 as it did acid rain and ozone layer.

Acid rain means that mainly sulfur dioxide makes rain even more acidic as it is normally (eg 5,2ph => 4,6ph or less). In fact also use of fossil fuels increase acid levels of rain. Anyway, in the 1980s acid rain was followed by natural scientists and even school kids with litmus tests. It was argued that all spruce forests in Europe would die. Now the acid rain problem in Europe and North America has abated because of stronger SO2 and NOx emission controls. So natural scientists discovered and warned, regulators made rules, industry (opposed but) obeyed finally.

Ozone was in peril due to nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) in the 1970s. Ozone hole on Antartic was worst in 1987. And we did it: The 1987 Montreal Protocol on Substances that deplete ozone layer was agreed among 20 nations and healing began. Ozone hole is not worsening any longer and full recovery is expected in the 2040s. That is approximately 60 years after discovery of the disaster. On the way some have tried to circumvent the deal and achieve economic profit. They did not succeed. Again 1) scientists found&warned 2) regulation forced 3) industry to act according rules.

Same for CO2:

  • Scientist have shown CO2 having impact on global warming (there are other GHG gases too)

  • Laws are in place in Europe and soon elsewhere

  • Industry will act according to rules. Some faster, some later, some try to cheat.

The still increasing scale of human kind producing CO2 is astounding. And the scale of the corrective action will be a beautiful tour de force.


Economic impact of (some) green transition


Homeland economics is something you do not have, yet