Economic impact of (some) green transition
My argument is that green transition is the same old structural change in economies we have seen over centuries. Old tech mills die down, modern mills will be built. And I was challenged when giving a lecture. The point was: building wind energy gives local communities just peanuts of the initial investment. I replied: but look in hydrogen production or data centers Then compare investment and jobs created. According to Confederation of Finnish Industries a one million Euro investment in wind energy creates 0,002 jobs whereas one million to hydrogen generates 0,38 jobs. Respectively data centers produce 0,59 jobs/ million €. Moreover, I did not go into multiplier effects in my lecture nor here.
Generally, multiplier effect is usually in scale of 1 to 3 or even higher. To put it bluntly if 2M€ investment giver work for one person in countryside location in Finland, impact is positive to say the least. Finland has industrial structures that lean on manufacturing exports which used to be timber, raw materials, ships, industrial machines, telecommunication. Next it will be new bio materials, batteries, intelligent machines, wind and nuclear power, data centers and, considering global demand, guns that combine perfectly Finnish engineering tradition.